Mustang Ad Comparison

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From the first mustang to the second coming of the boss model knowing you were getting something brand new has always been breath taking, yet the targeted audience of the sleek sports car is very different. From the 1965 family joy ride to the 2012 444 horsepower the mustang has changed and so has the ones driving it. With the ads being presented everywhere, mostly in magazines that broadens the people who may have viewed the ads but it still presents the same message. Using some of the same simple aspects like colors help make the ads pop, but also show the differences. One major thing both ads don’t present is a price but they both use the right words that will have you thinking about any Ford mustang for awhile, making you want to just test …show more content…

The 2012 advertisement targets the young wild-hearted citizen who likes to go just a little over the seed limit, by using a scenic landscape of an open road with the car flying by. In the fine print of the ad it states that the car 444 horsepower with a 5.0 exhaust making it uses the logos persuasive technique by state statistic facts. The ad also uses a ethos tactic by displaying the car moving at a high speed to imply that the car is made for that and wont have any problems making it reliable. While the image uses a pathos appeal with a calm view along the water while the car is driving by. The Calm orange sunset along side the car creates a shadow under the car, which make the simple black color pop with the red ascents. The blue water along side the road set up as a pleasant view to the eye. The text complements the picture by stating that it is the second coming of this certain model, 40 …show more content…

The 1965 ad makes a lot more stronger stand points in a lot of different ways, it make your average living American family experience the rebel life with a comfortable convenient vehicle. Ford made the 1965 mustang in a lot of different ways that are different from the newer version because the market was so much smaller and the car had to do a lot more then it would have to in today’s market. While the 2012 ad markets the second coming of the model and is straight to the point with the 444-horse power and the new exhaust system. The ad present only the speed factor the everything else the 1965 ad produces, but the 2012 ad was there to market strictly speed because the cause market is so much broader then it was in 1965 with ford alone having over 2012 different car models that can suit whatever situation you need the car to suit. The 2012 ad also targets the man willing to go out and speed down the street and potentially get a speeding ticket, not thinking of the family man who needs a car to go out and pick up groceries and the kids when his work day is over. As if there aren’t those who are willing to do so in the 2012 model but the 1965 model was more suitable in all situations except for speed. The 1965 ad also presents an award which the 2012 doesn’t making the statement presented in the ad more