Lament For The Igeneration Essay

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When most people from Generation X think of the iGeneration they think of them as self-absorbed and believe that they show little interest in others and have no interest in working hard and believe that they are entitled to live that way. Gregory Levey who wrote a magazine piece called “Lament for the iGeneration” is one of these individuals. In his magazine, he claims that the iGeneration can’t handle the traditional way of learning and that the gap between school and students is not closing but increasing. Levey strongly believes that the iGeneration is going to fail us and won’t be able to live up to the standards of the old generations. The author Renée Wilson can somewhat relate to Levey but believes that this Generation could be one of …show more content…

This generation grew up around technological social innovations like YouTube, Twitter, Facebook and because of this close attachment to technology, it is starting to influence their brains. This is causing their social skills to change and differ to what the old generation is used too.

Because of the close relationship, the iGeneration has with technology some people think that because of this that they are lacking key social skills and are like mindless robots Renée Wilson argues that it is the opposite. The iGeneration exceeds at solving problems with creativity and innovation to the point where social or geographical barriers don't apply to them they and not limited by anything.

iGeneration is great at creating connections to help them accomplish their goal no matter the size of the goal, they have over a 1000 people around the world to help them. iGeneration has a pack mentality, this Generation prefers to work together and considers everyone peers rather than superiors which allow the iGeneration to excel at communication in all field because of this top-down model of leadership is becoming