Langston Hughes Make America Again Essay

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America is not what people have always made it seem , for in reality it does no live up to its reputation. By comparing what people say America is and what actually happens in the country one would realize that you can not believe everything you hear. Langston Hughes appeals to the minorities and immigrants of America by using imagery and repatition to help them relate to the situation and realize that America is not what it has said to have been; to make them want to make a change and make it what it is said to be, a place of dreams. By appealing to the minorities Langston wants to make them realize what they have an opportunity to have and for them to make the most of that opportunity , receiving that equality that America is supposedly all about. When he says “seeking a home where he himself is free … America was never America to me” is because America is supposed to be about being free, a place where one could come to be free. However, it is not so he says it was never America to him because he never got this freedom that was mentioned about America. …show more content…

It is clear that he wants to “make America America again” and that it was never really the place we thought it was by saying “let America be the dream that dreamers dreamed”. This means that people have dreamed of what America is like and how it is supposed to be but once they have arrived hear they realize that it is not what they dreamed of , but he wants it to be just like they dreamed. He does not want America to just be the dreams of others he wants to make them a reality, for America is not truly America unless it is “land be a land where Liberty..” and “equality is in the air we breathe”. Therefor, he will not cease until everybody realizes that and they get what they have always dreamed