Langston Hughes 'Short Story Thank You For The Blue Suede Shoes'

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Thank You for the Blue Suede Shoes In Langston Hughes short story “Thank you M’am”, Hughes uses stealing as a topic for a way to express having dignity in yourself, even when the cards are not dealt in your favor. A young boy tries to steal a large women’s purse, and does not get away with it. Instead the boy fell on his back, and got kicked right square in his blue-jeaned sitter. The large lady hauls him to her house to wash his face. She wants him to remember Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones. She brings him to her one room apartment where she lets him go, and he does not run away. Mrs. Bates does not judge the boy. Instead she feeds him, and wants him to look presentable. The boy started washing his face. He was scared she was going to