
Similarities Between 'Upon The Waters And Thankyou Ma' Am

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Imagine seeing someone going through a situation and you felt empathy for them. Knowing how felt for you would you help them out? The two stories "Upon the Waters" and "Thankyou Ma'am by Joanne Greenberg and Langston Hughes really showed me to help others in need. Both of these stories make the theme "Help others in need especially if you've gone through it yourself. Only because the characters in the two stories had rough lives, either being hungry or as simple as making mistakes as a kid. But they still helped others or their peers. Mostly because they understood the hard-ships or the pain. Give back to others in need. In the story "Upon the waters" by Joanne Greenberg, the narrator shares a fiction story about a man named Cephas "giving …show more content…

A short story called "Thankyou Ma'am" by Langston Hughes is about a young teenage boy who tries to steal an old women's purse. But this old woman is no average old person... she dragged the boy all the way to her house. Then told him "I were young once and I wanted things I couldn't get." After she gave the teenager money to buy himself some shoes, because she knew where he was coming from. Meaning, the woman had gone through the same sad experiences this young boy was now going through. This story shows the reader, you shouldn’t judge from the outside. Look deeper into someone to find real reasons and emotions. And always help others even if they hurt your feelings or try to steal from you. Also make sure to be respectful towards the elderly or you may get an unpleasant surprise! Lift others up. If you feel empathy towards someone, help them out. The short stories "Upon the waters" and "Thankyou Ma'am", both show how you should lift others up no matter the how the outcome is. Especially if you understand what a person going through. Others are not as blessed as some people. The two stories show how the characters try to assist others up even if you personally don’t know them. Most people have needed or helped someone else out at some point. You should always be

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