Laredo Personal Narrative

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Ok the first, I was born in Laredo tx spent a good few years living there then we moved to Austin. Then my dad wanted my mom and me to move to Arkansas I was still 4 or 5. My dad convinced my mom and we went, then my mom started having suspicions about my dad cheating. And it wasn 't long after that my mom caught him and we moved back to my home town Laredo but by we I mean my brother me and my mom. We had to stay at my godmothers house but we spent a good amount of time at my great grandmothers house though. Then we moved with my aunt and cousins back in austin and my mom saved and saved til we moved out into a duplex it the 04 by Linder elementary. And we started there for my first grade school year then we moved down the street from there to some other duplexes for my second grade year. And my third-year we moved into these apartments down the street from Mabel Davis fourth grade year is the year we moved by ladie Bird Lake the apartments were called Lake View. And that 's when I moved to metz elementary. …show more content…

In austin so I started 6th grade and we moved again but this time by some train tracks and I went to school at Paredes. For half a year then went to a school closer to my house called fulmore for a few months then back to Paredes to finish sixth. Then we moved up north to brownie Dr and I went to Dobie for 7th grade. Half ways through the year I moved back with my dad but when summer came along back to my mom 's . Then 8th went to Paredes with my cousin for half a year then moved back north on metric to edge creek apartments and moved to Burnet middle school. Then finished off with ALC stayed there till my 10th grade and went to crochet high. Then this so that 's all