Laroza's Pizzeria

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When developing a customer satisfaction survey it is important to consider what the desired intent of the survey happens to be. It is paramount that the survey is constructed in way that it will meet this objective. All question targeted toward the customer within the survey must be tailored to gather the information needed to achieve the desired goal. However, first a target customer must be decided upon as well as the department or individual that will be conducting the survey. This two aspect will be great deciding factor in the way that the questions are developed in the survey. The survey can be given by several different entities or methods. For example, an outside source, internal department, a mailed survey conduct anonymously, …show more content…

Several keys factors are, the questions must be relevant to the case study being conducted in order for the project team to be able to use the gathered data to solicit the appropriate responses of the evolving concept of the restaurant design. The target demographic will be of the current customers and to include the individuals of the potential growth of that customer base. The customer base of LaRoza 's Pizzeria covers all ages from toddlers to the elderly, singles to large families. LaRoza 's delivery service caters toward the very busy and their dining atmosphere needs to accommodate the recluse as well as the very social. The following is an eight question survey that reflects these …show more content…

6. Base on your experience dining at our restaurant, how likely is it that you will dine here or at another location of our chain?
7. How likely would you be to refer our restaurant to your family or a friend?
8. In your opinion, what can be done to improve our restaurant to ensure a better experience for you in the future?

The following are the Critical to Quality (QTC), performance characteristics for each of the customer survey questions as well as the relevance they have to customer satisfaction as a whole.
1. This will provide the level of importance the customer places on timeliness. The relevance of this question is that it indirectly establishes the customer 's feeling of value to the restaurant.
2. This question establishes the level of comfort that a customer would expect from a restaurant of this nature. Secondly, social acceptance. For example, is our restaurant as welcoming to a single person dining alone as it is to a family of twelve.
3. This helps to depict the customer 's level of expectation in the quality of food being served as well as their perception of the restaurant 's investment in pleasing them.
4. This is important to find the expectations the customer has as to the level of cleanliness and to provide the restaurant key areas that this can be