Lars Linddstrom Research Paper

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Lars Lindstrom is a man in his late twenties that works a normal 9-to-5 job. Not much is known about his childhood, other than his mother died while giving birth to him. After this happened, His father became depressed until his death years later. Also, not much is known about how he was raised or who raised him, his brother Gus does explain that he regrets leaving Lars as early as he did. Lars lives in the garage next to his brother and his wife Karin, but spends a lot of his time alone. He also doesn’t show much emotion and tries to avoid relationships with others. In the movie he orders a life-size sex doll and treats it as his girlfriend. He gives her a name (Bianca), and a story about her past. This goes on until she dies at the end of the movie, and he moves on to develop relationships with humans. According to my research with the help of the DSM-IV and the internet, Lars Lindstrom has Schizoid Personality Disorder (Axis II). Lars …show more content…

The most plausible way is Lars never fully developed his relationship skills since his mother died at his birth and his father had depression. The mother and father are very important to the development of a baby; it is the first relationship that the baby forms. Without his mother, Lars never developed a relationship with a woman. Then he had to go out in a world where he was expected to date, get married, then raise a family. He was not prepared for this. Bianca gave him a transition. Bianca would help him get over Schizoid Personality Disorder, he could develop social skills that he never developed in his childhood. Later in the movie, Lars decided to have Bianca die. This was a very important turning point in the movie, Lars could finally get over his disorder and have relationships with humans. The last scene of the movie was Lars and Margo going on a walk after Bianca’s funeral. That symbolized that Lars got over Schizoid Personality