Late Adulthood Analysis

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Furthermore, there are personality, social, and work related shifts that can happen during late adulthood. Majority of the personality and social development highlights the defining characteristics that individualize a person, and socially how they interact with others through the course of late adulthood (7). Poe’s believes that age does bring wisdom, and he feels it allows him to be open minded and forgive people freely. Also, he says, through his gained experience in life he is incredibly rewarded with less stress. Certainly, his wisdom is shown in how he has used his expert knowledge in the practical aspects of life to maintain and nurture reflecting forgiveness to others and being open minded to new ways of doing things (572). When …show more content…

The most compelling evidence to be successful through late adulthood is maintaining a healthy body, mind, and social connections. The aspects the seem pivotal in the physical development is knowing your physical limitations but don’t let them be barriers for growth. Find ways to grow around these limitations, and a person in late adulthood can be as active as they were in earlier years. Another key point, is to constantly practice functional intellectual abilities, such as numeric abilities and verbal abilities. Then, we can keep our mind sharp, throughout life. Also, I love the positive aspects that can slow down the decline in information processing, such as having a flexible personality style, Poe really inspired me to be more flexible and forgive people. There is no reason to harbor a grudge because it will really hurt you personally and socially. Also, I am thankful to have a grandfather who such a pillar in my family, and I see through this analysis how he has achieved content and I hope I can remember his thoughts when I am in the late adulthood development stage. At the same time, it has opened up my mind to more questions, such as, when someone uses the process of selectively optimization how do they know what to modify in order to be successful? How can the double standard between men and women and gray hair be reduced? How can we change the view that late adulthood is a stage of sedentary and a period on low activity? In fact, how can we teach young people that our older ones have a lot to offer in the form of wisdom and understanding? How can we help people in late adulthood to not let limitations hold them back from trying new