Leadership Philosophy Essay

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Leaders What if you only had one chance to pick one person to lead your group, what is the most important role in that leader you are going to pick? Today's society is filled with people bossing each other around and others just tolerate it. Today's students are going to make up most of our upcoming society and with that you need to pick a good leader. It all starts in school. According to the ” U.S. statistics “ in the year of 2003-2004 there were at least 8,202,002 births. Out of all of those kids you had to pick one leader, what kind of leader would you pick? School is a place where teachers try to teach their student the right thing. A lot of people would agree that if someone is just telling you what to do all the time or is just sitting in the back of the room silently, that they would be the best leader. Leaders should be motivational instead of putting you down and making you think that you're not a good person. The biggest role in a leader today is that they motivate their team and help them with whatever they need to get done. …show more content…

When you are a little kid your parents motivate you to do and try thing you haven't before. Our leaders were our parents. The older that we have gotten we have been taught to obey adults and people who are older than us. When we finally get old enough to understand we can become leaders ourselves.Becoming a leader mean that you have to stay on task but also motivate your team. Without motivation we would not be determined to do anything unless our jobs or privileges are being threatened to be taken