Nursing Leadership Style Analysis

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Introduction Proper leadership style is most important to be used effectively in nursing practice because it will enable the nurse to develop her skills and provide best quality of care and safe surroundings for the patient to achieve a positive outcome. It’s also could be seen in staff performance at work because they will reflect their satisfaction with their good performance at work. In this assignment I’m going first, to compare between democratic theory and laissez- faire theory. Then, discus similarity between two theories and differences. After that, negative points and deficiencies for each style. Moreover, health care outcomes and leadership challenges. Furthermore, a particular leadership challenge at my workplace. Finally, I’m …show more content…

Ideas are exchanged easily between the group member and are argued openly. At the end of the discussion, the leader respects all given ideas and thoughts and has the concluding authority to make the final decision (Fowler, 2016). This type of style encourages real efficient team working and facilitates the information exchange between staff and makes the group participants in the race, because everyone wants to present his idea first. This style considered the more effective style to be used. While laissez-faire is described in which leaders are a hand off in taking decisions and responsibilities (Lievens & Vlerick, 2014). There will be no determined border between the leader and the followers because, laissez-faire leaders give up responsibilities and don’t use their authority on their group participants. Followers are responsible for completing all the tasks without seeking any guidance or direction from their leaders only they will provide the followers by necessary materials to achieve their goals. For that it 's considered the least effective style to be …show more content…

In this part I’m comparing two leadership styles which are democratic and laissez faire with my personal leadership style which is transformational style to show the differences and some similarities between those styles. First in laissez- faire style there is no attempt to satisfy followers need while in the transformational style they are following reward method with followers to encourage them to give more effort at work (Merrill, 2015). Same method is followed in democratic style (fowler, 2016). Followers in democratic and laisses faire groups are preferable to be experienced, highly skilled and educated (Merrill,