Style Of Leadership Style

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Leadership style is the manner and approach of a leader in providing direction, implementing plans, and motivating people. As seen by the employees, it is reflected by the explicit and implicit actions performed by their leaders (Newstrom, Davis, 1993).

In 1939,important researchs about leadership styles were conducted for the first time by Kurt Lewin ,who is the leader of a group of researchers about different leadership styles (Lewin, Lippit, White, 1939).Until now, this early research has remained quite influential as it established the three major leadership styles: (U.S. Army, 1973):

• Authoritarian or Autocratic - the leader delegate certain tasks for his or her employees and tell them exactly what to do without listening to their …show more content…

In contrast,the poor ones tend to stick with only one unique style and that is often Autocratic.

Authoritarian or Autocratic Leadership
I want both of you to. . .

This style is used when leaders tell their employees what they want and how they want it to be done, without getting the opinions of their employees. Some of the appropriate situations to use this style is when the leaders have all the information to solve the problems, or when they are short on time, and their employees are well motivated.

Some people tend to think of this style as a mean of yelling, insulting or threatening and it is a type of abuse, unprofessionalism , also known as "Boss of all people" rather than Autocratic .” This style of work will definitely never be presented in the dictionary of a talented leader.

However,the authoritarian style should normally only be used on some special occasions. If you have the time and want to receive more commitment and greater motivation from your employees, then you should use the Democratic style.

Participative or Democratic Leadership
Let's solve this problem together. . …show more content…

However, the leader is still the one that make the final decisions.

Using this style does not prove that you are a poor leader,instead,it shows that you are holding a strength that makes your employees respect.
It is normally used widespreadly when you have part of the information, and your employees have the other parts. Of course,a leader is not expected to know everything—this is why you employ knowledgeable and high-skilled people. Using this style is beneficial to both the leaders and the employees as it allows all employees to become part of the team and allows leaders to make better decisions.

Even if you have all the answers, listening and collecting diversity of opinions will provide you greater creativity than insularity. According to Katherine Phillips “Are you thinking about diversity and its effects in your organization at the moment? You need to recognize that the most robust practical value of diversity is that it challenges every members in an organization. We are more considerate, and we recognize and utilize the information that we have in a more effective and flexible way. That is diversity’s true