Leadership Theory Of Leadership

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For many years, leadership has been acknowledged as a key factor to success and leaders have been relied upon to lead man kind to a brighter future and a better life Northouse, P. G. (2012) . Lately it started to attract people’s attention for it’s critical role in success whether it be in business ,politics or life as a whole .

People want to know what made leaders and how to develop the ability to lead ,they want to learn about what it takes to be a leader. Marturano, A., & Gosling, J. (Eds.). (2007). The perception of “Leadership” evolved with man as the years progressed and as the needs , the culture and the social environment changed ,the term was defined differently by many researchers , each conceptualizing …show more content…

So either they have it or not!
Others believe that leadership is mostly demonstrated through the the relationship between leaders and followers. Most of the people believe that leadership is really important for the effectiveness of the organization (Cherry, 2013) since it influences others in understanding everything that needs to be done and how. Moreover,leadership motivates employees in order to accomplish the organizational goals.
The topic of leadership effectiveness is of special interest, and the discussion keeps returning to the question of what makes a person an effective leader (Yukl, 1998). Leadership can be considered as a function of character and for leadership to be successful, character needs to be prominent as well. There are two different behavioral theories for leadership, which are the transformational behavior leadership and the transactional behavior leadership. Transformational leaders influence followers to go beyond simple self-interests, and they have the ability to inspire and motivate followers to achieve results greater than originally planned, and for internal …show more content…

(2006),“Emotional Intelligence is also a prerequisite in leadership. As Goleman et al. (2004) put it, “the fundamental task of leaders […] is to prime good feeling in those they lead […]. At its root, then, the primal job of leadership is emotional” (p.ix).Goleman (1998) found that in a study of an organization’s most outstanding leaders, “Emotional Intelligence proved to be twice as important as technical skills and IQ” (p.213). The problem that will be studied in this thesis is how the volunteers perceive their leaders regarding the cooperation with change. The problem is always about the ways that leaders use in making the surrounding conditions ripe for volunteers to make their service performance an easy going activity, while minimizing burdens to the most possible. The instability caused by the changingatmosphere in such a service, stimulates different emotions among volunteers, ranging from high satisfaction to extreme anger, and from high motivation to deep depression and sadness. So, in order to sustain the continuity of services and tasks in better ways, the task requires emotionally intelligent leaders who would be able to absorb shocks, sense their subordinates’ positive emotions, and instabilities, and deal with each volunteer, in the best way