Echelon III Leadership Training Essay

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Echelon III officers of the male sex are 72 people with 75% percentage while Echelon III Officers with female gender are 24 people with the percentage of 25%. This illustrates that most Echelon III Officials are male. Echelon III officicers who have a working period of between 11-20 years as many as 9 people with a percentage of 9.4%, the working period of more than 20 years as many as 87 people with a percentage of 90.6%. therefore, it can be concluded that most Echelon III Officials have more than 20 years of work experience. 4.2. Description of Research Variables The total average of Leadership training from respondents was 3.85 with a good category. This category shows that leadership training activities that have been held by the government …show more content…

According to Government Regulation No. 101 of 2000 on Civil Servants of Training, it is mentioned that by joining the Training activity, it is expected to create Employee Resources having the necessary competencies to improve the quality of professionalism. Although the Trainings had been done a lot, nevertheles, the civil servants professionalism are still need to be developed. Many ways are done to improve the employee performance, but the more preferred and become an alternative by the leader is to send the subordinates in the training program. This is because the training programme can increase the knowledge, improve the skills, and form the mental attitude of employees, and can improve the quality of knowledge and progress of the Education Institution as a whole and also to improve the career of employees concerned with a relatively short time with the advantages of increasing the knowledge

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