Learning Connections Analysis

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My learning patterns for the Learning Connections Inventory is as follows: Sequence – 31 (Use First), Precision – 29 (Use First), Technical – 17 (Avoid), and Confluent – 18 (Use as Needed). I’m classified as a “Dynamic Learner” because I have two strong learning patterns along with one as needed and one avoid pattern. After taking the LCI quiz I feel like my learning patterns are extremely accurate.

I scored very high with the sequence pattern. The sequence personality traits explain me very well. I make lists every day. I update my calendar on my phone constantly throughout the day to ensure everything I need to do after work is timed appropriately with what I need to do when I get home. I follow the same structure on the weekends. I have to plan for one of my two days off to be completely free or I feel overwhelmed by all of the tasks I have and don’t feel rested. I currently went through additional training at work for property insurance and noticed how excessive I am with note taking. I feel comfortable having notes regarding what I'm learning. Without them I don't feel like I'm obtaining the information. …show more content…

They are only off by two points and are both considered as use first for me. I want to know everything. Before applying and starting at my current job I thought about it and researched the company for a few years. I wanted to make sure I was making the right decision. I went from being a technical support trainer for mobile phones to taking calls for insurance. I knew nothing about insurance when I started. When we went through licensing I studied everything possible. I wanted to know everything about insurance and be an expert. I looked into studying at Ashford for a few years as well. I wanted to know the school and know exactly what I wanted to study. It took me a few years to apply because I didn’t feel comfortable with not knowing much about the

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