Analysis Of Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay

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In 1998, a woman named Lilly Ledbetter sued Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co. for sexual discrimination. She realized that during her years of working for Goodyear, she had been paid thousands of dollars less than the men in working the same job as her. She sued, and the case worked its way up to the Supreme Court over the course of 9 years. Ledbetter lost, as the court ruled she did not claim discrimination within 180 days of receiving a check (“Ledbetter” 1-3). However, the Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009 was passed two years later — seemingly granting women in America equal pay forever. In spite of this, the wage gap between men and women still exists to this day. The visual text in consideration depicts a man and a women, both sitting at a table. They …show more content…

However, the table is made out of money, and is slanted higher in the man’s direction. Based on these details, one can infer that the man has a higher salary than the woman. The author’s argument is likely that the wage gap is continuously accepted in today’s society, and is still expected when applying for a job. This is because the woman does not show any facial expressions that represent anger, disgust, or jealousy, meaning she accepts her salary. The author is trying to make the viewer realize how unjust this is towards women, and how the wage gap needs to be discussed more often. Although the author is correct about a gender wage gap existing in America, he/she is only partially right due to misleading data, the fact that men work