Legal Case Study: Bettie Brown

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:57 AM I TC Ms. Bettie Brown about her progress since leaving Delmar Garden of Chesterfield Mo. Ms.Bettie explained she was discharged because of her weight and her not being able to walk. Bettie stated her neice and sister was taking care of her before she left for Delmar Garden. Bettie explained her brother in law has cancer her neice has a new job.I asked Bettie can she afford to have an home care agency that will provide assistance since she need it right away.Bettie stated she could not pay out of pocket right now because of other obligations. Bettie commented it would depends on her doctor to write up an order to have this supportive care. Bettie stated she has Blue Cross and Blue Shield. Bettie stated she needs a bed, and a walker that

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