Legal Drinking Age Essay

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Alcohol is a type of colourless liquid that can be used in medication, cleaning, as a fuel, etc., and the most common way for people to access alcohol in nowadays is alcohol drink. Alcohol drink can affect human body, which can bring a harmful affect to the brain, heart, and liver (U.S., 2016). With such consequences, alcohol drink is highly restricted around the world, especially in U.S. Under U.S. law, persons under 21 are not allowed to access any alcohol products as “all states prohibit providing alcohol to persons under 21.” (Federal, 2013). Meanwhile, for around 61% of the countries and regions, such as Hong Kong, their alcohol laws only restrict to those who are under 18 to purchase or drink alcohol (ProCon, 2016). By comparing the alcohol laws in U.S. and Hong Kong, there are three years’ differences in the minimum legal drinking age. The legal drinking age in U.S. is being argued as young adult, people from 18-20, do not understand why the alcohol law is so strict. There are few reasons that can explain why the law are set …show more content…

Peer influences increase their chances in drinking in order to gain acceptance by others (EurekAlert, 2012). Meanwhile, new environment is also one of the reason that makes young adult to drink. The environment of college campus always encourage alcohol as students think that the campus is a good environment to drink. The alcohol is a good element for people to know each other and it is an important element for parties and celebrations. This leads to college students breaks the alcohol law. Social influences on young alcohol is also one of the reason for young adult to drink. The society often brings wrong concepts of alcohol to young adult. Alcohol is listed as something bad, but it also has an image that can help people to relax and have a closer relationship, which makes young adult want to