Lowering The Drinking Age To 18 Essay

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I choose the topic “should the United States lower the drinking age to 18”. I choose this topic because the United States doesn’t need to lower the age of drinking to 18. The reason why I said this is because of the way their consuming it causes them to get in accidents. Due to the fact of partying hard and coming home 1 to 4 o’clock in the morning wasted from so much alcohol and then people tend to fall asleep. I find this topic to personally interest me because one of my close friends dies in a car accident after consuming alcohol at a party. Ever since then I had an issue with the age limit and who they give alcohol too. I think alcohol should be banned to those who come in the store and buy liquor and they already sober. Not only be banned for those who walk in the store sober but …show more content…

Due to the fact that you are drunk you tend to do many crazy things that are very dangerous. The news also says that drinking in most countries is allowed. Some teenagers tend to overdo it by consuming alcohol. Alcohol can be good at times but yet dangerous for certain people that use it a how they use it. Giving Alcohol can cause either one thing car accidents or many different behaviors. The use of alcohol can cause many health risks in the future. I believe that we young people need to know the causes and aftereffects of alcohol. Having alcohol around your little kids can be a problem too. Why the uses of alcohol are is use more in teenagers those adults. I would really like to know why this happen to more teenagers than the adults. I also would like to know why the age 21 has to be the legal age of drinking why can’t it be age 25. People don’t understand that at the age of 25 they understand more of alcohol. Having a clear understanding of how to drink and what you cannot do to be a drunk driver after consuming so much alcohol. College students as well as young people engage themselves in heavy drinking than