Legal Drinking Age Should Be 18 Essay

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By a show of hands, how many people here have drank under the legal age of 19? Be honest, don’t worry, we are in a safe space. Okay, so a good amount of you. Myself included. I am 21 years old so I am legal to drink anywhere in Canada and the United States as are a lot of people in this room that are also above the legal drinking age of 19 here in Ontario. Some people may argue, if you can be in the military, get married and vote at the age of 18, why can’t you drink alcohol? I personally agree with this statement because alcohol when drank responsibly is just a way for folks to unwind from the stressors that come with being an adult. If you can make other responsible decisions in life like who to vote for or who to be married to for the rest of your life, I think people at the age of 18 should also be allowed legally to have a drink at the end of a long day. Although in Ontario …show more content…

According to The National Centre on Addiction and Substance Abuse, underage drinking accounts for about 18% of consumer spending, and put into numbers, that is roughly 23 billion dollars a year. If more consumers could buy alcohol legally, it would boost revenues even higher. Consumers would also be able to legally drink in restaurants, bars and other establishments, which would also boost tax revenues and get more traffic flow and customers out to come to their establishments. Decreasing the drinking age could also result in more public drinking, for example, people drink before they go out to dinner or to a club or a concert because they can’t drink legally at these establishments unless they are over the age of 19. If more of these attendees are of the legal drinking age are drinking publicly at these establishments, it would lead to law enforcement being able to control the crowds and people drinking even more so because there would be less people trying to hide it and or do it