Legal Immigrants Pros And Cons

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The Pros of Legal Immigrants America was founded on principles of tolerance and diversity. America is also a goal destination for people fleeing their own countries. Not to mention there are certain enviable rights and opportunities that can not be found elsewhere. However, more recently, American citizens and even the current president of the United States are harsh toward the idea of immigration. Although many Americans today are convinced even legal immigrants are detrimental to society in the states, immigrant are actually rather beneficial because immigrants' presence bring exposure to diversity and teaches tolerance, support the economy, and are an important part of the intellectual workforce. Here is America. Home of the brave, land of the free, laws and rights of tolerance of those seeking freedom from unjust persecution. However, in reality citizens have forgotten what it means to treat those who are of different ethnicity with indifference and acceptance that many immigrants have been spending their lives trying to find. "We may be a …show more content…

Constitutionally, law abiding immigrants should be treated with indifference to their culture and ethnicity. However, they most definitely are not being treated that way, and it is a reminder of how far Americans have strayed from accepting diversity and its benefits out of fear. Do not forget, this is the home of the brave. With the growing amount of willing, available, and able workers; businesses are inclined to expand their businesses within the United States which creates jobs. Immigrants use the jobs they receive to spend money and keep the economy flourishing. Last, immigrants are a crucial part to the medical workforce. If not for immigrants, many hospitals, pharmacies, and dental offices would be severely