Legalize Euthanasia And Compassionate Society Die Too Summary

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In Paul Kelly’s article, “Legalise euthanasia, and compassionate society dies too” he argues that euthanasia is morally and medically wrong to perform and legalize. He describes that the treatment for people in pain has increased and became a better solution. He also stated that euthanasia is vastly spreading and the numbers of assisted suicides are climbing. Lastly, he also states that if euthanasia is accepted, the death process with be more justified and accepted within our society. His overall idea is to outlaw euthanasia because it only brings justification of death within a society and isn’t very beneficial to patients. There are now more options to people who are suffering other than assisted suicide. The benefits of legalizing euthanasia is saving money and helping people with their suffering. …show more content…

But to deny someone the right to make a decision about continuing their life or ending it certainly isn’t just. If someone is in extreme pain, mentally and or physically, they should not be denied the right to end their lives if they decided to and are in a good state of mind to make their own decisions. According to The National Healthcare Decisions Day Organization, “42% of Americans have had a friend or relative suffer from a terminal illness or coma in the last five years”. These people are not given the opportunity to make their own life decisions and are told by society to push through their pain. In America, we are known for the freedom we have as citizens, but the fact that we aren’t allowed to have the resources or assistance with euthanasia makes it a taboo subject. If lawmakers were to legalize euthanasia, many people in America who are in pain would be able to finally be at peace. The process and evaluations for euthanasia would need to include therapy for many months as well as a board of evaluators to assist with the