Legalizing Marijuana Persuasive Speech

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Marijuana is the third most commonly abused drug in the United States behind alcohol and tobacco according to Napa Valley Rehab. This drug is very common among high school students, and seventy-nine percent of illegal drug users utilize marijuana. Considering that marijuana is illegal in most states and alcohol and tobacco are not, there is a significant amount of abuse, and it may be affecting our world today. Husbands, wives, children, and more are being affected in a negative way because of themselves or loved ones abusing this drug. The questions become: Is it worth it to lose the people you love? To make your children believe that it is okay for them to use this harmful drug? To lie to yourself and say that it is helping for an unsubstantial feeling? There are so many questions that lead back to why anyone would want to put themselves through this trouble. Many supporters of the legalization of marijuana claim that it is not addictive. The University of Maryland Medical Center stated that people experience withdrawal symptoms after they stop using marijuana. These symptoms include: agitation, insomnia, anxiety, loss of appetite, cravings to use marijuana and maybe even other drugs according to Valdosta State University. Users will want to avoid these …show more content…

The people who say this have not taken into account that there will be many people affected such as children. Parents should serve as role models for their children. If a child sees their parent(s) smoking marijuana, they will begin to believe it is okay for them to start even at a younger age. It will become easier for underage children to obtain the drug, whether it be from an older sibling or from someone who carelessly sells it to them. When it comes down to it, the people who sell the drug are just after making money no matter who they are selling