Leonardo Da Vinci Outline

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1) What was Leonardo da Vinci known as in the renaissance era? 1. Leonardo da Vinci was known as a painter, artist, scientist, architect and the renaissance man. 2. He was also well known for doing experiments and observations using his knowledge about biology, anatomy, geology, engineering, astronomy, mathematics and music. 3. Leonardo was also known for his inventions that were designed by him and found in a notebook that was used to create things that are used today. 4. 1.http://www.history.com/topics/leonardo-da-vinci 2/3. History Alive 8 textbook, page 176, author Darlington Robert, published in 2012. 4.https://www.brainpop.com/science/famousscientists/leonardodavinci/ 2) Leonardo da Vinci’s early life and how did it (early life) affect him to become well known? …show more content…

When Leonardo was young he had a little amount of education about writing, reading and mathematics. But He also had a lot of talent as an artist from a young age. 2. Also, at the age of 14, Leonardo’s father took him to begin to have art lessons with an Artist named Andrea del Verrocchio and he developed many different skills. His teacher also suggested to all his students to learn about anatomy so that’s what Leonardo did. 3. At the age of 20, he was qualified as a master artist and created his own workshop. But he still communicated with his teacher for five years. 4. If Leonardo’s father didn’t give him art lessons then Leonardo would have not been that well known but because he took art lessons it affected him to be well known because of the art he produced from the skills he learnt. 5. Photo of Leonardo Da