1. Introduction
Surrealism by definition is a 20th century avant-garde movement which included art and literature which sought to release the creative potential of the unconscious mind. There were many notable artist during this time such as Salvador Dali, Frida Kahlo and Pablo Picasso. These artist made a huge impact on surrealism movement during the prime years 1900-1920’s, but a notable and last surrealist artist was Leonora Carrington. Although coming into this movement during the last years, she truly possessed the movements’ aesthetic. Leaving a lasting impression with her outlandish paintings mixed with themes of motherhood, elderly age and Celtic mythology.
2. Background
Leonora Carrington lived a full life of adventure and passion, coming from a wealthy family in England, to eloping with a man twice her age, hanging out with the most influential surrealist artist at the time, surviving through World War II. Through this all keeping her rebellious
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Her rebellion resulted her being expelled from two convent schools and was sent to a boarding school in Florence at age 14. At this boarding school, she started to studied art and had access to the world’s best art museums. She then became extremely interested in surrealism art like Salvador Dali and Pablo Picasso. She then moved to London to pursue art at Amédée Ozenfant academy. Amédée Ozenfant academy was established by the French artist in 1932 when Leonora was only 15 years old, he also co-founded the art movement purism (Appendix).Her parents were reluctant to let her pursue art as a career but let her. This is where she is encountered surrealism for the first time, as well as encountering a surrealism painting when she was 19 in 1936. Ironically it was the painting by a future romantic interest, which was Max Ernst. She reportedly was immediately attracted to Max even though she never met him