
Letter To Lokelani Wilson's Beloved Future Daughter

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Lokelani Lindsey
Professor Halvorson
Humanities 104
December 4, 2014
Lokelani Wilson to her beloved future daughter.

“He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord.” (The Holy Bible, Proverbs 18:22). Every girl dreams of her wedding day. The actual wedding is just a day, but the commitment made that day lasts a lifetime. A wife is a valuable, precious blessing from the Lord. I want you to know how special you are. You have dignity, value and worth. The scripture above says that a man who finds a wife has found a “good thing”! Marriage comes with honor, and you will be the prize. For one to be a successful wife, she must know the basis of womanhood and the purpose of the creation …show more content…

God created marriage as a gift to them. Marriage is directly from God and glorifies Him. It was not made for convenience or culture, but as a sign of commitment to God and one another. He joined man and woman together to reflect His image. Genesis 1:27 states, So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female, he created them. (NIV)
God created male and female, “them,” to reflect him through their complementary relationship. There is a greater goal in marriage than just friendship or feelings of love. Oneness is the ultimate goal of marriage. God made Eve specifically for Adam, just as he has made you specifically for one man. God didn’t create Eve so that she could try out life with Adam, and then decide whether she wanted to spend the rest of her life with him. He took Eve from Adam’s rib showing the implications of intimacy and closeness. He created her only for Adam, so that future generations could see that closeness, oneness and that this form of love was made to be shared only between one man and one woman. God laid out a blueprint for the world to follow. With the desire to reflect God’s image, true life springs forward and purpose is

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