Letter To Wiley's Summer School

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Hello Mrs. Stevenson,
No, the blackboard is not associated with summer school content. With regards to your investment, Im sorry you feel like the price you have paid for Wiley 's summer school experience has no value now to you. I don 't know what Wiley got the first semester in the regular school year, but it seems he has advanced his first semester grade and put himself in a position/passed the first semester of summer school.

If I am reading into what your saying a little more, its that you are disappointed in Wiley 's production thus far. What Wiley could do to advance himself for the next day/ the rest of the semester, would be to read the chapter, answer the questions at the end of each section to prepare for the content, and take the practice test at the end of his chapter. We go consecutively, in order, through the book, so he could literally be prepared for the next day by seeing the content before hand. If you think this would benefit him I can make sure he goes home with that every night, and make it due for him. …show more content…

Wiley tends, like most people and he is not special or unordinary in this case, to choose the easy route. So when he completes the assignments in class his work is lacking the attention and time that could have been put into it had he really cared to. I can 't hold it against him, but having that outlook is always going to get an average return on his efforts. My feeling is that his, and your goal for summer school were/are different. I think Wiley was intending on passing summer school, and yours was that he was going to get an