
Turtle's Big Race Essential Questions

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Big Idea

Comprehension is key when learning what one is reading.

Reference to PA and Common Core Standard(s)

CC.1.2.3.B:Ask and answer questions about the text and make inferences from text; refer to text to support responses.
CC.1.2.3.C: Explain how a series of events, concepts, or steps in a procedure is connected within a text, using language that pertains to time, sequence, and cause/effect.
CC.1.2.3.G: Use information gained from text features to demonstrate understanding of a text.

Essential Questions
Why is the book called “Turtle’s Big Race”?
What does Native American Folktale mean?
What does the cover page tell us about the story?

Lesson Objectives
1. Students will be able to identify the meaning of a native American folktale.
2. …show more content…

The teacher will call a few students to reading table to look at the cover of the storybook.
2. The teacher will begin by asking students “what is a native American folktale”?
3. The teacher will allow students to think about it.
4. The teacher will ask “why do you think the story is called: Turtle’s Big Race by: Lisa Trumbauer”
5. The teacher will allow students to pause and think before sharing with small group their thoughts.
6. The teacher will allow small group of students to share before reading story.

Lesson Development
1. The teacher will start by asking students to fill in first box of their “sketch-to-sketch sheet” to draw or sketch an idea of what the cover page indicates about the story.
2. The teacher will model example of “sketch-to-sketch sheet” for students.
3. Students will have a few minutes to draw or sketch before reading.
4. The teacher will have students go around in small circle for each student to read one page aloud.
5. While a child is reading, the other students will follow along while reading.
6. After each page, the students will take a few minutes to move to next box to continue drawing or sketching the events in which happen in the

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