Leverby's Descriptive Essay Behind The Breach

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With a bowl of popcorn in hand, I pick up my favorite book, combing over the pages with such a fury you would have thought my life depended on it. This was my escape, my solitude from the world that surrounded me. As I tried to read, my mind drifted back over today’s events as if I was captive of the images playing out in my head. Recognizing there is no escape, I lay my book down and turned on my side letting my mind drift back and forth over the day. Sitting on the bench at park as I remembered from earlier, I watched passerby’s mouthing words filled with promises, hope, and sometimes the occasional rebellion. Words hung in the air, before hitting the cracked concrete beneath their feet. The air is still, causing the temperature to feel exaggerated. A young man walks over and stands up at the bench I am sitting on at the park. I can smell his deodorant and soap mingled together as if he just got out of the shower. He keeps staring at his watch pacing …show more content…

Deciding to wait on the sounds of the sirens to get there, before I would come from under the bench, I rested my head on the concrete under the bench. As I waited, I could hear a muffled sound not far from me. It sounded like someone calling for help. I crawled from under the bench to see who or what the sound was coming from. Less than two hundred feet away, lay the young man who was standing at the bench. I ran to him to see if I could help. Looking over his body, I could see bright red blood trickling down his side. I reached for his limp hand and asked him his name. I reassured him help would be on the way soon and everything was going to be alright. He began to speak, but the gurgling sound from his throat muffled his words and wouldn’t allow him to finish. Before I could respond, the sirens were there and a team of trained professionals began to work on the young man, I mean