Liberty Depend On A Belief Of Natural Law

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The concept of Liberty depends on a belief of natural law significantly for three reasons. The first reason why the concept of liberty depends on natural law is because natural law is the foundation for human beings. Natural law gives a beginning for the human kind. The second reason the concept of liberty depends on natural law is because natural law defines what our liberties are. The natural law gives a definition and an idea of what our liberties are. Finally, the concept of liberty depends on natural law is because natural law gives the structure and limitations of our liberties. The natural law gives the boundaries for what is considered our liberties. For these reasons, the concept of liberty depends on a belief of natural law.
The first reason why the concept of liberty depends on natural law I because natural law is the foundation of life. According to Locke, the laws of nature comes from a higher being or God. Since the natural law comes from God, Locke believes that all men are equal. No one man is greater or better than any other human because God created all …show more content…

Natural law is the law that s given by God that applies universally to everyone. With the being created equally, we are all on the same playing field. According to Locke, the definition of liberty is given to us when God created us. We all have the freedom to choose what we want to do in life. We are to protect our life, our persons, and whatever property we have. Without natural law, there would be no definition of liberty. One would think that without natural we would look at Thomas Hobbes state of nature, in which eventually no freedom exists. Without natural law, there would be no God or supreme being that would govern people or give them equal status. There is an order to this, God gives the natural law that gives people freedom, and that freedom is tied to the concept of