Life Changing Experience In A Basketball Eye: A Basketball Game

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Open Your Eyes
Have you ever experienced something that helped you realize just how special you could truly be? It’s a moment we look back on as the key turning point in our lives. We all have them. This experience helps us visualize what our future holds. It may lead us to compare ourselves to older figures, hoping that we can someday sit in the same ranks as them. No matter how substantial your experience, it can have a lasting impact on your life. My life changing experience was a basketball game during December of 2017. The day started out just like every other day. I woke up to my obnoxious alarm, groggily walked upstairs, and made myself a peanut butter jelly sandwich. As I sat down in the tan recliner, I flipped the television channel to NBATV. I proceeded to watch the highlights from last night’s games in the NBA. It didn’t take long for the Stephen Curry highlight reel of remarkable three-pointers to start playing. Watching in amazement, I imagined myself doing the same in my game later that night. As I arrived at school, my routine continued to go on as normal. I went through my classes without much homework piling up. Accordingly, my excitement grew as the day went on. My urge to play the basketball game that night was rapidly growing. Along with the anticipation, came the butterflies. To many people’s surprise, these butterflies were embraced. In my mind the earlier they came, the better off I would be. After my classes completed, I went to the fitness

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