Life Course Theory And The Age-Graded Theory Analysis

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From the beginning of the semester, to the end of the semester my opinion did not change, but became more solidified with facts. The Life Course Theory and the Age-Graded Theory helped me understand why children commit delinquent crimes. Love, sex, and marriage can be some factors of the Age-Graded Theory as to why children start committing crimes. The juvenile justice system is the system that should be in charge of dealing with minors who commit crimes.
When I first started this class, I believed children were made to be criminals because of how they were raised and the environment they grew up in had a big impact on them and their future. I also thought that children should be dealt with the juvenile justice system instead of being …show more content…

In the article, “Crime and Deviance in the Life Course,” by Sampson and Laub, “The life course has been defined as pathways through the age differentiated is manifested in expectations and options that impinge on decision processes and the course of events that give shape to life stages, transitions, and turning points” (qtd. in Elder 1985; 17). I believe that every child is going to go through some transitions and turning points in their life, no matter whether they were raised in a positive or negative environment. Traumatic events that happen in the early years of the child’s life will have an impact on their future and on their children’s’ future if they decide to have children. For example, a traumatic event that happened in to me was when my father passed away when I was a year old. This event caused my mother to have to take on both roles as mother and father and raise my sibling and I by herself. Even though, I was raised in a single-parent household I do not think I was raised in a negative environment because I did not commit delinquent acts when I was a child. If a child is raised in a home where their parents are criminals, then are more likely to be criminals when they are older and start committing crimes when they are a child. If the child was raised in a positive environment with no criminal history, then they are …show more content…

According to the Juvenile Delinquency book, “It is possible that kids who engage in sex without love or romance are willing to partake in other risky behaviors and/or self-indulgent behaviors, including delinquency and drug usage” (Sigel 138). Children want to be loved and if feel like they are not, then they will do anything to feel loved. Some children will take part in delinquent acts or drug use to fit in with their friend groups or just because they think if they do that stuff, then they will be cool. Although, not all children will start using drugs, so might get to the point where they are abusing the drugs and become addicted. Children will always feel pressure from their peers and friends and want to give into it. I know from experience saying no to things from peer pressure is hard because I have a hard time saying no to