Light Alternate Ending

513 Words3 Pages

In the beginning there were two siblings. There was Light, who had control over many magnificent things, such as friendship, hope, and most of all love, and there was her brother, Darkness, who was the exact opposite. He controlled chaos, war, and dishonesty; he tainted almost everything he touched. He didn’t have the power to create things like Light; Darkness only had the power to destroy. Light loved her brother despite the fact he had ruined countless of her creations, it was just in her nature to. However, overtime her brother got worse. He’d gotten violent and more powerful than her, and Light became scared. Light didn’t have the courage to fight with her brother, so she decided to journey to a place where her brother couldn’t find her. She ran until she found a remote pocket in the universe, using her powers to hide it from Darkness. There she created a safe-haven for her creatures, the Earth. Light made her beautiful plants …show more content…

He had checked nearly every corner of the universe and still couldn’t find her safe-haven. In his loneliness he had only gotten more hateful of Light. The growing hatred inside him strengthened his determination to find her. He wanted to let his anger out on her creations like he had so long ago. Light had heard her brother searching outside of her little spot in the universe and couldn’t help but feel guilty. She was his family, and she was the cause of his immense loneliness. After hearing his calls for billions of years, Light gave in and she called back out to him.
Immediately Darkness was able to find her and her little world. He released his anger and brought horrible things down unto the earth. One of Light’s most complex creations, the humans, had been twisted along with many others. War and plague spread through her safe-haven like a wildfire. Her creations were being killed off and butchered all over the place, but at least her brother wasn’t lonely