Limiting Homework Research Paper

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I completely agree that there should be a limit of an amount of homework. Most students work extremely hard during school hours, and school hours are from like 6 to 8 hours. I am not saying there should not be homework at all but students have sports, church or other important things to do outside of school then just to be able to go home and do more work from school. Then when we sit there in class all day we get worn out, we are already dealing with school for so long students just want to go home and take a break for the day until the next day to start fresh. Students will end of forgetting about their homework or not even want to do it so then there grades will just drop because their assignments scores will just add up and affect their grade badly. I at least think there should be a limit to an amount of homework more than just none at all. …show more content…

At night time, we have other things to do then just to go home and do homework right after we just got back from school. Some of us students have sports, church or even clubs to go to rather than just spend hours and hours on homework that we don’t have time for. After our sports or whatever we had to do after school we have to have family quality time so by the time we cannot go do our homework. If we have a lot of homework, by the time we get everything done it is really late and we lose some sleep and then will be grumpy or fall asleep during class the next day. With having so much homework, there are times where we cannot do other things with our lives because we want to be able to keep our grades up, but I personally think that we need our times to ourselves than to just have it all be revolved around