Linda Crew Linda Crew Summary

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this book is simply amazing. the entire writing style is on point and smooth throughout the story. the plot thickens and is left with a nice cliffhanger that leaves you wanting more.

Throughout the entire book, the author, Linda Crew, is very detailed in her feelings and just her writing in general. At about any given point of the book, the reader could simply close their eyes and be in the world of characters written straight out of Crew’s fingertips. This happens especially near the ending of the book when the entirety of Suandra’s family that is in the US is at the airport terminal waiting. The reader can close their eyes; look around; and simply see the looks of anticipation on the faces of the people around them. Crew’s writing is spectacular; fluent and thick with emotion. …show more content…

Each character had their own diversity; they were their own people and had their own problems. Unlike most books were the main character seems to be perfect or their family is just perfect that they have to fit that, but in this book, Saundra or her family weren’t made out to be perfect; they simply were trying to live and survive. They all had their own issues and all had their own emotions; happiness, sadness, etc.

The story starts very abruptly, as if you’re just thrown into their lives and then the plot starts to thicken right away and capture you. As you read you see that this is how Crew write, slowly then fast. She thickens and thins the plot at the just the points to keep you engaged in the reading. you sit there trying to figure what will happen next and then there is something thicker and unexpected thrown into the