
Lines Composed A Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey

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Wordsworth’s whole poem is a personal expression of experience. For example, in the first few lines, Wordsworth begins his poem with the statement about his personal experience from five years prior; “Five years have past; five summers/ with the length Of five long winters!” (Wordsworth, William. “Lines Composed a Few Miles above Tintern Abbey”). Not only is his reminiscence of the past a representation of the qualities T.S. Eliot denies in a praiseworthy poet, but Wordsworth is also able to recollect what he saw, and heard based off of his senses. Wordsworth describes the sound of the mountain-springs and inland murmur in flowing lines ; “[a]nd again I hear/ These waters, rolling from their mountain-springs/ With a soft inland murmur” (Wordsworth,
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