List Of Eisenhower's Accomplishments

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Dwight David Eisenhower is often thought of as the 34th president of the United States. However, his military career, and especially his successful involvement in the liberation of France and the defeat of Nazi Germany, undeniably play an important role in his ascension to the White House. General Eisenhower had many impressive military accomplishments during World War II, and his achievements are to America what General De Gaulle's are to France.

At the beginning of WWII, Eisenhower was chosen to lead the Army War Plans Division and develop military strategies to defeat Germany and the other members of the Axis. He was then promoted to the position of General Commander of the Allied Forces in Europe in June 1942 (D-Day Leaders). Under his command, British and American troops freed North Africa from the authority of the government of Vichy, which is known as the Operation Torch. Eisenhower also directed the landing on the beaches of Sicily and Italy in August 1943 with Operation Avalanche. Eisenhower showed his ingenuity by sending troops in the South of Italy at two different locations to draw the …show more content…

He not only used an emotional ton to remind the soldiers of how much people in Europe, and back home support them and need them, but he also brought them reassurance that they would have the military power and advantage to be successful, despite the tenacity and the ferocity of the German soldiers waiting for them on the beaches (Dwight D Eisenhower, Order of the day) . Also, not only did Eisenhower deliver a powerful speech on the radio, but he also made sure that every soldiers ready to embark on Operation Overlord was delivered a copy of that speech in hand (General Dwight D. Eisenhower launches Operation Overlord ). This show a genuine concern for the troop's moral, and a strong will to honor and thank his soldiers for the sacrifice they are about to