In the protoliterate era, there were only a certain number of individuals that were literate providing for both an intellectual and social divide between these select few and the rest of society. Protoliterate describes the early stages of literacy and the protoliterate era in this case refers to the early Mesopotamian civilization where many developments were taking place, including some in architecture as seen in religious buildings, as the society at the time worked towards urbanization. As an individual becomes literate, he/she is sacrificing innocence to be exposed to the takes and opinions of others (possible with differing opinions) on certain topics. The individual also loses the possibility of exploitation because of what they aren't exposed to. Society on the other hand loses the …show more content…
Though literacy can lessen the likelihood of a society versus an individual problem, it doesn't do so for a society versus another society issue regarding literacy. Additionally, as the literacy went up, secularism became more widespread. Because of the printing press, more and more people became literate as they took upon themselves to learn to read for the sake of reading the Bible. Literacy provided for a multitude of consequences more good than bad for the individual as well as led the way for future advancements. Literacy is advantageous to the individual as it ushers the way to any opportunity to extend his/her knowledge. Moreover, it also works as a shield against society's advances that may come off as oppression. For example in the North Korean regime, citizens are sheltered and fed information to believe that other places such as South Korea and the U.S. are living hells as opposed to them forming this opinion themselves. It is similar to literacy, since if a society were to hinder an