Literature Review: Factors Influencing Job Dissatisfaction

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Literature review

Armstrong (2006) described the terminology ‘job satisfaction’ as, attitudes and feelings what people have about their job. Positive and favourable attitudes towards the job indicate job satisfaction. Negative and unfavourable attitudes towards the job indicate job dissatisfaction. Job satisfaction is imperative for employee performance in any industry and essential for both the employees and the employer. Job satisfaction gives the employee a sense of security and fulfilment,that in return leads to engagement of employees, decreased absenteeism and declined employee turnover (Syed and Yan, 2012) . Based on the study done by Coomber and Barriball (2006), job satisfaction has been described as a crucial factor for retention of nurses at their job. The reasons behind nurses leaving their job should be diagnosed in order to tackle the nursing shortages and to promote retention. Purani & Sahadev, 2007; Weisberg, 1994 defined "Intention to leave" as an employee’s plan of intention to quit the current job and look forward to find another job in the near future (cited by Alam and Mohammad, 2009).
Type of theory
summary of theory
Two factor
two factors influence job satisfaction: Intrinsic /satisfiers and Extrinsic motivators / dissatisfiers (fig) identifies the basic needs and impacts approaches to job design. Attracted attention to the concept of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.

Vroom, Porter and Lawler

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