Gamification And Consumer Behavior

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This chapter systematically analyse various literature related to the adoption behaviour towards gamification by consumers and also discuss the IT adoption behaviour. Initially this chapter has discussed promotions as a whole and then various other promotional techniques which are being used by the marketers and e retailers including gamification, to keep their customers engage towards their brand. Then various theories related to the IT adoption have been discussed and compared, Which has helped to identify the research gap in the existing researches and has also helped to identify various influencing factors on adoption behaviour of consumers based on which the questionnaire is prepared to know the intentions …show more content…

Although different industries may have different roles to do with gamification but with a common goal of increasing engagement. Some of the people considers any game related application as gamification which includes the serious games, playful interactions and game based technologies. The most commonly used definition of Gamification is “the use of game design elements in non-game contexts” (Deterding et al., 2011) which includes four basic components
1. Game: Game is different from the Playfulness. The concept was derived from the Caillois’ concept (Caillois’, 2001) of “Paidia” and “ludus” as two poles of play activities Playfulness (Paidia) is more expressive, free, improvisational and tumultuous combination behaviours whereas game (ludus) is a special playing structured by rules and competitive conflict towards achieving the set …show more content…

Some recent researches where the theory of planned behaviour has been applies are exercise, teaching, coupon usage, drugs and alcohol abuse, health etc. Kraft. P, Rise. J. Sutton.S. and Roysamb. E. studied the behavioural control in exercise with three different interrelated components i.e. perceived control, perceived difficulty and perceived confidence and they found that in some cases it is inadequate to measure PBC with perceived difficulty as they overlap with the affective attitude. In some cases PBC may be the consequence predictor of the behavioural intentions but influence of it in most cases has been overestimated. Icek Ajzen and B.L. Driver in 1990 used TPB to know the behaviours for the use of leisure for the recreational activities and found that the perceived behavioural control influence the behaviour of the individual for using recreational activities for the leisure