Literature Review Of Carroll's Pyramid Of Social Responsibility

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Theoretical Framework 2.1 Introduction This chapter will discuss the literature review about University Social Responsibility and its importance in the context of higher education institution (HEIs). Theoretical framework relevant to the study that will be presented in this paper will also be discussed. 2.2 Carroll’s Pyramid of Social Responsibility Theory Carroll’s pyramid of social responsibility was first discussed in 1979 where Carroll introduced the four categories (economic responsibilities legal responsibilities, ethical responsibilities, and philanthropic responsibilities) in CSR in chronological order layer focusing only on economic and legal responsibilities by which the categories is considered as independent with each other. In 1991, Carroll first presented the model in pyramid. In this article, ethical and philanthropic functions were also considered as significant. All four categories are of with the same importance. In 1998, Carroll disregarded the CSR pyramid and included corporate citizenship with the four categories. Carroll revived the original philosophy in 2000. In 2004, Carroll revived the same theory in 1991 with inclusion of stakeholder’s theory by which doing what is expected by global stakeholder. Corporate Social Responsibility is seen to be the responsibilities of corporation of running their business with the purpose of being profitable while considering the business impact to the society and many definitions of CSR has been noted and one