Literature Review Of Motivation: Maslow's Hierarchy Of Needs

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According to Armstrong et al (2002) motivation is related with the behavior and factors that give a reason to someone to act in a certain way to achieve their goals. There are two types of motivation according to Armstrong et al (2002), the first one is extrinsic motivation which is occur when there are something that needs to be done by someone to get a rewards in exchange of doing something, the second one is intrinsic motivation which is a factor that generated from the person itself when they are challenged with a problem in their working environment.

There are quite a lot of motivation theories that are exist and still being used until know such as Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and Herzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene Theory. In this section the author will critically review several motivation theories, which are Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, McClelland Theory of Needs, Vroom’s Expectancy Theory, and Witt and Wright Level Expectancy Theory.

Abraham Maslow (1954, cited in Kay, 2003) hierarchical need theory, has become a very influential and the most well-known general theory of motivation and has been applied in business, marketing and tourism field. Maslow created a theory based on his definition of need that indicating that humans are motivated by several needs and that these needs exist in a hierarchical order, his premise is that only an unsatisfied need can influence behavior; a