Literature Review On Customer Experience

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This literature review is a broad discussion about customer experience and their key factors: customer satisfaction and loyalty, customer’s relationship with the corporation as well as customer expectations and its factors: reliability, tangibles and responsiveness and serve quality.
Customer experience
Customer experience involves factors like customer satisfaction, service quality, relationship management and customer engagement, but according to Thompson et al, they encourage the fact that customer experience is a human behaviour and especially the emotional aspects of customer’s decision making. (Thompson, craig J, William B. Locander and Howard R. Pollio, 1989), although many researchers beliefs differ such as Schmitt et al, they suggest that every service interchange leads to a customer experience, irrespective of its nature and state, thus meaning customer experience is a holistic one where it involves customers emotional , sensory and spiritual responses. (Zarantonello, Schmitt J. Josko Brakus and Lio, 2016) According to Schmitt , he states and identifies 5 factors of experiences which are Sensory(sense) , Affective (feel),Cognitive (think),physical(act),social identify(relate) (Schmitt, 1999). Verhoef then took these factors and conceptualised them and states customer experience involves the customers cognitive, affective, emotional, social, and physical responses. Over-all, researchers and specialists have come to agree that customer experience is a