What Is The Importance Of Medication Errors In Research?

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This chapter presents a review of existing literature, knowledge and other information relevant to the study. The literature review conducted with the view that it will help position the research in a better conceptual framework. According to (Burns & Grove, 2010), “a literature review provides knowledge about theories and scientific knowledge of a particular problem and ends up with what is known and what is not known”. Again, it helps, any researcher to provide the context, informing methodology, identifying innovation, minimizing duplicative research and ensuring that professional standards are met (Maggio, Sewell, & Artino, 2016). The thesis to be submitted is geared towards medication errors in hospitals and hence relevant information …show more content…

Medication errors have a huge impact on health care system, patients and payers alike. It compromises the confidence of patients on health care system. Incidents and mistakes that occur during the period of administering medication goes on to be a big safety issue for patients in health institutions and hospitals globally. Interruptions to the administering of medication process have been noted as a major influence on medication error. Research reveals that some interruptions cannot be avoided; hence, to reduce errors, it is important to recognize how undergraduate nurses or health practitioners learn to control interruptions to how medication is administered to patients. The stockpile in terminologies used has been seen as a likely explanation for the difference in the preponderance of mistakes in administering medication. Thus far, little factual studies have challenged this pronouncement. The reason of this review was, hence, to try and explain the degree and attributes of medication error interpretation in hospitals and to acknowledge the aftermath for measuring the prevalent rate of medication …show more content…

This has caused a rise of focus on epidemiology and avoidance of medication error in hospitals globally prompting diverse studies Nonetheless, this addition has not given accurate or consistent discovery with respect to errors involved in administering medication. Quite the contrary, there happens to be a a whole lot of terminologies involved in explaining the clinical dimensions of errors in medication and segregated consequences (e.g. error, failure, near miss, rule violation, deviation, preventable ADE and potential ADE). Furthermore, it has been advised that this variance has aided in the substantial inconsistency in the recorded happenings of errors in medication. Hence, in comparison to other epidemiological areas in health care, no individual explanation is presently being used to figure out medication despite the attempts to create a global definition have been made (e.g. National Coordinating Council for Medication Error Reporting and Prevention), which is definitely emulated in the referred article. As an essential aftermath, this lack of accuracy hinders dependable comparison of discoveries across studies, clinical contexts and