Literature Synthesis Essay

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Innovations, Change Management, and Systems Thinking
Literature Synthesis
Yale University (2017) defines innovation as a creation of new ideas to implement within an organization. Innovative ideas may consist of new services, systems, or processes, as well as improving existing ideas. Corporate innovators are always searching for ways to improve problem solving or fulfill consumer wants and needs (Gobble, 2013). However, innovators must understand that a change in the organizational structure must occur prior as a precursor to innovation.
Gobble (2013) states that organizations need to transform employee stance regarding change, considering that most people are against risks and uncertainty associated with going against the status quo. …show more content…

Yet, leaders with emotional intelligence may be able to overcome this hurdle, through promoting success and enhancing staff performance. Emotionally intelligent nurse leaders have three dimensions, including socio-cultural architect, responsive carer, and strategic visionary, which promote a competitive edge to an organization (Heckemann, Schols, and Halfens, 2014). Additionally, performance levels of staff were positively correlated with emotional intelligence (Heffernan, Quinn Griffin, McNulty, and Fitzpatrick, 2010). Heffernan et. al. (2010) found that nurses may have higher levels of self-compassion; however, additional studies need to be done to compare self-compassion, emotional intelligence, and patient …show more content…

Conflict occurs when the needs in an organization strain the resources (Vivar, 2006). It is important for nursing leaders to have adequate education regarding conflict management because there are different strategies that may be used to address specific types of conflict. There are five strategies of conflict resolution, which include competition, avoidance, accommodation, compromise, and collaboration (Victor, 2013). Los Iglesias and Bengoa Vallegjo (2012) collected information from 130 Spanish nurses regarding styles of conflict management. Interestingly, the most commonly used conflict management styles were compromising and competing. The least commonly used style was collaborating (Los Iglesias and Bengoa Vallegio, 2012). In academic settings, many nursing professors use avoiding as a main technique for conflict management (Los Iglesias and Bengoa Vallegio, 2012). Vivar (2006) found that there is no direct strategy to solve specific types of conflict; however, being familiar with these strategies can reduce the impact of conflict on an organization. While conflict management skills are important, leaders should be aware of potential barriers to conflict resolution. For instance, organizations with policies allowing inappropriate assignments or ineffective communication can hinder conflict resolution (Victor, 2013). Overall, a large part of being a nursing leader is addressing conflict.