
Long Night Descriptive Writing

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Pounding vibrations fill the enclosed space, the gossip about high school students lingers through the air and fireworks are the background during the long night. Shouting could be heard in the house, followed by the clashing and clanking of wine glasses and chinaware. A feminine figure appears from thin air, cloaked head to toe in black. Though the sound of her heels clanked against the sidewalk, her presence was not known to the others. 10:30pm. Someone’s dead. Lying in a pool of their own blood and left to die. The music could still be heard but no one suspected her. She was beautiful, and popular; How could anyone like her be a killer?

An alarm goes off in the middle of the morning, and a girl dripping innocence awakes from her slumber. …show more content…

I searched through my closet finding a simple outfit to wear, and then proceeding to do my makeup and hair. I walk through the door and proceed to walk down a dark alleyway, it’s cobblestone floor making it slightly difficult to walk with my heels. I pull my sweater closer to my body when a gust of wind blows my hair and skirt. Suddenly a man wearing a black mask and bucket hat clutch my arms harshly, his hands leaving red marks on my tanned skin. I try to pull away or kick at his leg but, to no avail his grip tightened on me. I could feel his breath against my neck, causing me to shiver at the closeness of the gloomy predator. He whispers my name, his voice high pitched and almost masked by the wind that was still blowing brutally. “ What do you want with me?” I ask daringly, although my voice quivered at the end. “ Your boyfriend is Johnny, right?” he asks his grip loosening on me. I nod still not fully understanding why he was asking about him. “ Your parents are in a little bit of a predicament and I have them with me” he says calm and casual. I scoff at the statement, “ Where are they! How could you just kidnap them?!” I say shouting, anger raging through my veins. He chuckles at my response, “ Johnny and I were best friends and one day he just left me, and didn’t say goodbye”. He says biting his lip harshly. He proceeds to talk “ in order to get your parents back, you have to kill Johnny for betraying me” he says his demeanor becoming even darker than before. My eyes go wide at the statement and I squirm in his arms, feeling uncomfortable. “ No” I say flat out, not wanting to anger the man, whose identity was still a mystery to

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