Long-Term Consequences Of Bullying

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Introduction of the problem
What is bullying? Bullying is undesirable, aggressive behavior among school mature children that includes a genuine or perceived control irregularity. Bullying is an overall issue that can have both short and long-term consequences on the children. Bullying can have defined in many ways includes such as verbal bullying, physical bullying, social exclusions and cyber bullying.

Cause of the problem
Verbal bullying is one of the most common types of bullying especially in school. The definition for verbal bullying is at the point when an individual uses verbal language such as humiliating, name calling, spreading rumors or mocking to pick up control over his or her peers (BRIM Anti-Bullying Software, n.d.). It is similarly present among children. In any case, verbal bullying is common on both male and female but …show more content…

However, effects of cyber bullying towards children gives a very big impact on them. The children will face low confidence, they feel rejected or undesirable. Rejected and undesirable because of the fact that for instances, if a group of children bullies the child and treat the childlike in case he or she is nothing, he or she feel like no one loves them and after that they feel rejected. Other than that, when you're a bully, you realize that the bullies hate you. Your confidence won't be in the same class as a typical

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