Long-Term Effects Of Alcoholism

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Many people across the world enjoy drinking, but drinking heavily over longer periods of time may result in serious long-term health problems. Heavy or long-term consumption of alcohol damages the drinker and also ruins relationships and society in terms of violence and crime, accidents, and drunk driving. Alcoholism is the popular term for the two disorders, alcohol abuse and alcohol dependence. Alcohol abuse is when a person drinks to the point where it 's dangerously affecting their life. While alcohol dependence is when a person is physically or mentally addicted to alcohol. It is a serious problem that is continually growing with roughly 2 billion people consuming alcohol per year. My dad being a part of that 2 billion people. However, …show more content…

The symptoms of alcoholism can be broken down into two major categories: symptoms of acute alcohol use and symptoms of long-term alcohol use. Acute (immediate) effects of alcohol are what happens right when alcohol is consumed. When it is consumed, the blood alcohol level rises. However, the blood-brain barrier does not prevent alcohol which results in the brain being drowned in alcoholic levels. This is a major problem since alcohol exerts a depressive effect on the brain. This depressive effect causes difficulty walking, poor balancing, slurring of speech, and generally poor coordination (contributes to increased chances of injury). At extreme levels of alcohol levels, a person 's breathing and heart rates will be slowed, and vomiting may occur. High level of alcohol may also result in coma and death. Long-term (chronic) effects of alcohol will eventually affect every organ system. First (not in order), the nervous system is affected. "An estimated 30-40% of all men in their teens and twenties have experienced an alcoholic blackout, which occurs when drinking a large quantity of alcohol results in the loss of memory of the time surrounding the episode of drinking"(TGE of M pg80). In addition, disordered eye movements, very poor balance, and difficulty walking may also occur. Next, the digestive system is internally damaged to cause bleeding and burning. Alcohol loosens the muscles that block stomach acids from accidently moving back into the esophagus. Therefore, the …show more content…

Alcoholism treatment is followed in two parts. The first step to recovering from alcoholism, called detoxification, involves stopping the person from taking any more alcohol and flushing out the alcohol 's effects from their body. This, however, causes the body to have a withdrawal reaction since it 's been accustomed to the alcohol content. Depending on the amount and frequency, the person will either have mild or severe withdrawal reactions. Mild withdrawal includes nausea, achiness, diarrhea, difficulty sleeping, sweating, anxiety, and trembling. More severe reactions are hallucinations, seizures, alcohol cravings, confusion, fever, fast heart rate, high blood pressure, and delirium. After the effects go away, the second step of alcoholism treatment is followed, rehabilitation. Rehabilitation is often a family action since the family has most likely been heavily affected by the alcoholic 's drinking. If the family does not participate, it may result in the family members picking up on alcoholic 's routine.
Prevention of alcoholism is extremely important especially to those of young age. The first moment of intoxication usually happens during the teenage years. This probably happens because of curiosity or relief. However, if they have a family history of alcoholism, frequent use of alcohol, tendency to drink to drunkenness, alcohol use that interferes with school work, poor family environment, or a history of domestic violence, then they should receive education