Long Term Effects Of Child Abuse Essay

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The following essay contains research about the long term effects of child abuse .The evidence shows that abuse is an extreme issue and can result in both physical and mental health problems and an increased chance for suicide. Child abuse can result in serious long term sequelae .

Child abuse and neglect is any type of behavior , by an adult that is outside of the norms of conduct , and can entail a substantial amount of emotional or physical harm to a child . Adults who are physically and or sexually abused have an increased chance to endure both physical and mental health problems and increased chances for suicide .
Firstly Adults with a history of abuse are more likely to experience physical health problems then the general population including; Hepatitis , Heart disease , Stroke , Diabetes , Gastrointestinal and gynaecological problems. Furthermore a meta-analysis of 78 effect from 24 studies concluded that maltreatment of a child was associated to musculoskeletal …show more content…

In a united states study called the Adverse childhood Experience (ADE) indicated that children who were exposed to at least four or more adverse experiences in childhood were 12 times more likely to attempt suicide than those who had never been put in an adverse situation . In a meta analysis in 2009 , retrospective studies (which record participants recollections of past traumatic events ) showed a strong association between child abuse and neglect and attempted suicide in adults prospective studies ( which trace participants experiences of traumatic events over several years) indicated a more moderate relationship . The higher rates of suicidal behavior in adult survivors of abuse and neglect has been attributed to the greater likelihood of adult survivors suffering from mental and physical health problems