Long Term Effects Of Neglect On Children Essay

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Children in the first five years of life are the most vulnerable to traumatic death and injury as the result of interpersonal violence, neglect, and accidents (Osofsky and Lieberman, American Psychologist, 2011). The focus of this research paper is to break down the several types of abuse and the trauma associated within, and how the different types of abuse affect the development of children. Also, to explore some of the many factors that determine whether a child is abused or not.
With abuse being a loosely used term, the overlapping and the interrelationships between the four different subtypes of child abuse (sexual abuse, physical abuse, psychological abuse, and neglect), make it harder to evaluate each individual type and its effects …show more content…

Neglect can be happening without the knowledge of the parent; the parent is indifferent about the child and shows no real feelings or emotions towards that child. Sometimes that could happen just by getting caught up in the mundane existence of life, where the parent goes to work and comes home and it is a cycle where the parent may even be neglecting themselves as well. The effects of neglect on children age birth to 5 years are ultimately devastating. The immediate harm (feelings of inadequacies, not loved, and a number of other false beliefs) is obvious, however it is only the beginning. The long-term effects of neglect can last a life time and may follow the victims well into …show more content…

Psychological abuse, often times referred to as emotional abuse, can severely damage the mental health and social development of children in early childhood. Psychological abuse comes in many different forms, including, but not limited to: belittling, shaming, calling names, telling children they are no good, yelling, bullying, or rejecting the child as punishment. If you’ve been told over and over again as a child that you are “stupid” or “no good”, it is very difficult to overcome these core feelings or beliefs. All of these psychological misbeliefs are being planted in the brains of these developing children and that can potentially impact a child for the worse throughout their